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Patch Note – December 13th

From my battle to our war, MMORPG MIR4

Greetings, This is MIR4.
These are the details of the update scheduled for Tuesday, December 13th, 2022


[Main Updates]

◈In-Game Updates◈
1. New Events: 2 Winter-themed Events
– Obtain various items with Snowflake 14-Day Check-in event.
– Winter Discount Event wil be conducted.
2. New Item type: ‘Tier II’.
– ‘Tier II’ Magic Stone/Spectrumite/Spirit Treasure will be added.
3. New Appearance Equipments: Winter-themed
– Special outfits will be added with the coming of the winter season.
4. New Epic Spirit: Spring Messenger Yobi


[December 13th Patch Note Details]

◈In-Game Updates◈
■ Event
● Snowflake 14-Day Check-in will be added.
– Period: After December 13th Update, 2022–January 9th, 2023, 23:59 (UTC+8)

Day 1
Snowflake Box x2
Day 2
Epic Eternal Snow Panax x2
Day 3
Epic Azereum Mineral Fluid x2
Day 4
Snowflake Box x2
Day 5
Epic Darkened Enhancement Stone x1
Day 6
Epic Mystic Enhancement Stone x1
Day 7
Snowflake Box x3
Day 8
Snowflake Box x2
Day 9
Epic Eternal Snow Panax x2
Day 10
Epic Azereum Mineral Fluid x2
Day 11
Snowflake Box x2
Day 12
Epic Noirsoul Herb x1
Day 13
Epic Divine Dragon’s Enhancement Stone x1
Day 14
Snowflake Box x3

※ Please refer to [[Notice] Snowflake 14-Day Check-in] for further details.

● Winter Discount Event will begin.
– Event Period: After December 13th Update, 2022–Before December 27th Update, 2023.
– All Copper products in Shop will be discounted to 1225 Copper.

■ Item
● ‘Tier II’ items will be added.
– Added: Magic Stone/Spectrumite/Spirit Treasure
– Stats of ‘Tier II’ items will be superior to that of ‘Tier I’ items.
– ‘Tier II’ items will be summonable from the Shop tab ‘Summon II’.
– With the addition of ‘Tier II’ items, 120 new Codices will be added.

■ Crafting Manual
● Summon Ticket Manuals will be added.
– It will be craftable from Shaoshao in Arcadia Spirit Village.

Item Name
Required Material
Required Quantity
Success Chance
Magic Stone Summon Ticket
Uncommon Sealed Magic Stone Box
Copper 10,000
Energy 1,000
Spirit Treasure Summon Ticket
Uncommon Sealed Spirit Treasure Box
Copper 10,000
Energy 1,000

● Crafting Manual for ‘Tier II ‘ item box will be added.
– It will be craftable Bunny Guru Hoppy in Arcadia Spirit Village.

Item Name
Required Material
Required Quantity
Success Chance
Epic Blessed Treasure Chest II
Epic Treasure Shard
Legendary Treasure Shard
Purified Soul Stone
Dragonsteel x5
Darksteel x500,000
Epic Blessed Magic Stone Box II
Epic Treasure Shard
Legendary Treasure Shard
Purified Soul Stone
Dragonsteel x5
Darksteel x500,000
Epic Blessed Spectrumite Box II
Epic Treasure Shard
Legendary Treasure Shard
Purified Soul Stone
Dragonsteel x20
Darksteel x2,000,000
Legendary Blessed Treasure Chest II
Legendary Treasure Shard
Purified Soul Stone
Dragonsteel 20
Darksteel x 5,000,000
Legendary Blessed Magic Stone Box II
Legendary Treasure Shard
Purified Soul Stone
Dragonsteel x20
Darksteel x5,000,000
Legendary Blessed Spectrumite Box II
Legendary Treasure Shard
Purified Soul Stone
Dragonsteel x100
Darksteel x10,000,000

■ Combine
● In the Combine menu, a tab for ‘Tier II’ items will be added for Magic Stone/Spectrumite/Spirit Treasure.
– In the ‘Tier II’ item Combine menu, only ‘Tier II’ items can be combined.
– Mystic Incense Burner point will be applied for combining Rare/Epic/Legendary grade ‘Tier II’ items.

■ Special Enhancement
● You can enhance ‘Tier II’ items through Special Enhancement.
– It will be accessible through Menu → Forge → Special Enhancement tab.
– ‘Tier II’ items above Epic or higher grade can be enhanced.
– ‘Special Enhancement Stone’ items of the same grade as the item being enhanced will be consumed, as well as a certain amount of in-game resources.
– Upon using ‘Oil of Blessing’, Success Chance will be increased by 10%.
– Enhancement may result in Success, Failure, or Great Failure.
– Great Failure chance exists from Lv. 1, upon Great Failure, the equipment will be destroyed and you can obtain ‘Treasure Shard’ and material items.
– You can use Treasure Shards to craft items from Bunny Guru Hoppy in Arcadia Spirit village.
– ‘Special Enhancement’ can be enhanced up to Lv. 7 as maximum.

■ Spirit
● Epic Wind Spirit ‘Spring Messenger Yobi’ will be added.
– Passive Bonus once summoned: Spell ATK+ 20

Skill Effect
Spring Frost
Increases Max HP by 1,500, PHYS DEF by 90, Spell DEF by 90, and PvP ATK DMG Boost by 8%.
Increases Antidemon Power by 10%, EVA by 80, and Hunting EXP Gain by 18%.
Spring Breeze
Recovers 15% of Max HP for 5 sec when your HP is under 50%. Cooldown 60 sec.

■ Shop
● ‘Tier II’ Magic Stone and Spirit Treasure Summon will be added.
– Summonable Location: ‘Summon II’ tab
– Unenchanted items will be obtained upon summoning, and ‘Tier II’ items will be certainly obtained after enchanting them as same as the previous Summon system.
– Divine Dragon’s Promise will be applied, and Epic items will be obtainable upon reaching Max 1000 points from the Promise system.
– Divine Dragon’s Promise point will be reset upon obtaining Epic items prior to reaching 1000 points.

● Spirit Special Summon will be added.
– Spirit Stone for Epic Spirit ‘Spring Messenger Yobi’ can be obtained.
– Divine Dragon’s Promise Points from the previous Special Summon will reset.

■ Special Enchant
● Cost of Special Enchant for Legendary-graded equipments will be adjusted.
– Pre-change: Dragonsteel x10
– Post-change: Dragonsteel x5

■ Appearance Equipment
● New outfits, ‘Silent Night Winter Festival Outfit’ will be added.

● New Back ornament will be added.

■ Chat
● Favorite feature will be added to Chatting system.
– Chats added to Favorite will be displayed upward in Chatting.

■ In-game bug fixes & gameplay improvements
1. Adjustment to block the sale of Hell Raid Tickets.
2. Fixed issue of the world map being available while entering Magic Square/Secret Peak.
3. Changes in Shredded Root’s icon.
4. Spirit/Skill Tome summon tabs moved from Summon I to Summon II.
5. Fixed issue regarding the in-game ‘Portraits’ event.
6. Improvements to the effect of Great HP Potion.

Posted in Mir4 News

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