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End of HSP: HYDRA Staking Program

From my battle to our war, MMORPG MIR4

Greetings, This is MIR4.

After the grand launch of HSP: HYDRA Staking Program on Jan. 28th, 2022, which has made an opening shot of the HYDRA Rush, the minting of the 1,000,002 HYDRA rewards that we have initially set has all been completed with the participation and interest of many Dragonians.

We sincerely thank all the Dragonians who were with us for about 347 days of the journey to successfully complete the 2nd round of the P&E innovation that MIR4 has created, and now we announce to you the end of the HSP, which has been the core of the innovation.

The amount of the currently minted HYDRA rewards has become 1,000,002 in total, which has been added up since the start of the genesis HSP block by minting 1.000002 HYDRA reward per every 30 blocks generated. Among the total minted HYDRA rewards, 930,001.86 HYDRA (93%) has been successfully given to Dragonians after excluding the 7% of Platform Operation fee as we have previously announced.

Therefore, the 930,001.86 HYDRA rewards that are currently being displayed on the XDRACO is the number that excludes the 7% Platform Operation fee deducted per every minted reward, and it can be checked that a total of 1,000,002 rewards have been minted successfully if the deducted 7% Platform Operation fee is included.
Along with the end of the HSP, the ‘Stake’ button will be deactivated to disable staking HYDRA anymore. Regardless of this, you will be able to unstake all the HYDRA invested once per hour just like before, and the unstaked HYDRA will automatically return back to your Play Wallet. Also, any unclaimed rewards will remain in the HSP pool so that they can be collected at any time.

Once again, we sincerely thank all the Dragonians who have given us massive interest and support, and we promise you to further do our best to establish a more complex economic system of MIR4 with the basis of HYDRA.

Thank you.

Posted in Mir4 News

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